International Organization of Professional Cultivation and Accreditation

IOPCA prides itself on developing global partnerships with established institutions and sharing the common goal of excellence amongst industry professionals. We offer business opportunities for mutual benefit and growth through specialized partnerships.

IOPCA Authorized Training Institution

We offer the opportunity to become one of our Authorized Training Institutions (ATI). Becoming an ATI means being commissioned to represent IOPCA and carry out its mission under our umbrella of established standards and ethics.  The ATI continues to operate as its own business responsible for the management and execution of its business activities, but with the added benefit of being fully backed by an established and accredited global partner.

Exclusive Marketing Rights

This partnership is reserved to only one affiliate per country. As a result, an ATI is responsible for all local marketing and business development activities, as well as establishing and administering local chapters.

Appointment of IOPCA Accredited Training Providers & Trainers

The ATI has the authority to appoint IOPCA Accredited Training Providers, where IOPCA classroom courses are provided. Further, ATI can approve local trainers for classroom courses.

IOPCA Accredited Training Provider (ATP)

IOPCA Accredited Training Providers are training partners that provide IOPCA certification courses. Training activities must be conducted in compliance with the standards of the IOPCA. This may include program promotion and student recruitment for both classroom and eLearning courses; providing local customer service in a liaising role, as well as implementing tutorial and classroom training courses.

Accreditation of Local Courses

In addition to providing IOPCA certified courses, ATIs and ATPs have the freedom to design and develop their own customized courses and submit them for approval as an accredited course by the IOPCA. This means that an existing course within your current curriculum may be accredited by the IOPCA, thereby increasing its endorsement.

Localization of IOPCA Courses

Every market has its own local dynamic financial markets. The ATI is responsible to ensure IOPCA courses are suitably localized to meet the needs of the market that they operate in. Where applicable, the faculty and financial training specialists from ATI and ATP may be invited to serve on the IOPCA Global Advisory Council.

IOPCA is looking for partners who would like to be a part of this exciting growth. Interesting party is encouraged to contact IOPCA head office via e-mail for the outlines the opportunity, the options and the potential return you might make from a partnership with us.

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